Wednesday 11 December 2013

First 3 Scry-lands spoiled from Upcoming Set "Born of the Gods"

These past few weeks have been dead water in the Magic: the Gathering world. HOWEVER, I happened to have stumbled upon something during my visit to Mythic Spoiler last week when I happened to have been incredibly bored. Three exciting (but totally expected) cards have been spoiled for Born of the Gods. Three all-new scry-lands. :)

no art

No art....

Oh my god. Still no fraking art

Ha. Battlestar Galactica reference

Seeing that there is no art included, we can look on the bright side here. Three cool names for three cool cards! And, this actually ensures that there will be two more scry-lands. One that is Blue-Red, and the other will be Black-Green.

Like I said, I saw these coming. They had released five dual-coloured lands in Theros out of the ten dual coloured possibilities. But I mean, hey, at least I have something interesting to talk about this week.

Anyways, I'm going to keep watching Mythic Spoiler. If anything new comes up, I will certainly talk about it in next week's article.

Praise the sun!

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