Thursday 31 October 2013

The Boring and Bad of Theros

If you expect me to just sit here and talk to you about all the commons and how terrible they are... then you are slightly right. These cards that I'm going to look at are going to be disappointing rares and just terrible cards... terrible cards in any way possible.

well, it's out of burn range...


Ooooo lets enchant him.

Why no u wind drake?

This guy is so fast that this guy is so f...
Internet Explorer... I mean... Triad of Fates encountered a problem.

Block the 9/9 trample!
Anger of the gods

Instances and Sorceries

Anger of the God's cousin that everyone hates.

Why no u searing spear?
why u make me buy new singles? wy u

 I'm not going to say anything

Really white removal? really? C'mon. Elspeth is even on it.


Oh, i guess that's it



I mean, really?


I actually saw this at FNM once. wooow.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I have few words to say to these things that I have happened to find in my booster packs...

Next week I'm going to post my entire decklist and talk about the magic community inside my school! I will also keep you updated on any new cards coming out!

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