I chose the path of might as my release box and I found myself jumping up and down in my seat when I opened my Elspeth in my very first pack!
And in my second pack I got a Mistcutter Hydra. And another one in the "Path of Might color specific booster pack".
I wound up running a "Junk" deck. (Black/White/Green). Like I said, I mostly focused on using green. I also pulled an Arbor Colossus and the promo Anthousa. I used white for the Elspeth and black for "Read the Bones".
I happily ended up in 3rd place, winning about 11 or 12 booster packs. I wound up pulling Heliod, another Mistcutter Hydra, a Hammer of Purphoros, and a Whip of Erebos. I cant remember the rest, but I did pretty good!
Okay, enough of how much fun I had.
Top Four: Black
4. Nighthowler
Great card for mill. Just not that great against any deck that contains Scavenging ooze. Keep it in the sideboard, play against any deck with a lot of creatures, as long as it isn't scavenging ooze. Great against Boros Aggro/Burn. One of the better rares in black
Rating: 6.5/10
3. Hythonia the Cruel
Some people would disagree when I say this, but this would be brutal in Golgari decks. Get some ramp off, get this dude out, make it monstrous, kill everything, drop the Scavenging Ooze, a good amount of mana left to exile some creatures! Sure.. the mystics are dead, but so what! This works. I'd try playing this in Orzhov control with Obzedat. Kill everything else after Obzedat blinks out! There you go!
Rating: 6.8/10
2.Hero's Downfall
Dreadbore at instant speed! And you don't need red! Great to play when a Elspeth enters the field... about to kill all the creatures you own! The printing of this card fixed a lot in my opinion. I don't want to use red to kill a planewalker. In fact, red with anything but blue or green, I don't like. Especially black. Great card and great card to bluff with. Pass the turn, leave 3 mana open and watch your opponent drop an Elspeth. Remember, don't forget to wink!
Rating: 7.7/10
1.Agent of Fates
This guy is SO annoying. Just enchant the crap out of him, over and over again. Flash in Boon Satyrs. I don't care, just do something. This guy is awesome, better than 2.00$. I dont want him to go up in price... but he deserves to. I wouldn't revolve a deck around him, but he provides a strong addition to removal and control over your opponents side of the field. Probably really good with red pump spells at instant speed.
Rating: 8.1/10
If you didn't know already, today, Theros is officially available and released! Happy birthday Theros!
Thanks for reading. By next week, I will have reviewed some decks and I will return with a review of the top 4 Blue cards! Along with another random topic!