Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Theros Event Deck Review! Super impressed??

Nothing new has been spoiled yet as of today, but I made a discovery over the weekend. I recently just got my buddy into magic last weekend and this is how it happened.

Considering many of my friends don't play standard format, I wanted to organise a little tournament at my house that included booster packs as prises! Considering it was my birthday on sunday, I guess it would make sense if this counted as my birthday party. I would up organising this on the Friday of that weekend.

To make a long story short, I wound up inviting some of my friends that didn't play magic... I had an XBOX to entertain them. However, one of the people that I had invited was curious about our tournament. I told him about the game, how it worked. He was instantly interested. Later that day, my buddy, Brennan, lent him a deck to play against us.

After learning the more simple rules, he had already made plans the next day to go pick up some cards so he could get started...

iz so hapy

Without really knowing the contents of it, I suggested him to buy the Theros Event Deck. This would get him started quickly and it would allow him to participate in standard format events. So, all I knew about this deck was that it was Blue-White. Knowing the colours of the deck, I wasn't too crazy about it, but I was still interested. That interest me led me to wind up going with him to the store to pick this deck up.

So... the next day, we got to the store and saw this sitting on a shelf.

There it was... wait... with 10 rares?

Then we saw this .

But... more importantly... we saw these...
the 2 above the card means that there is two of them..

Counting all the rares, according to TCG Player's medium prices for all of these cards, all of these rares come up to around 24.40$. Considering this deck is going for 19.99 in the USA, that's incredible value. In Canada, the deck is 24.99, but still, you get the other 65 cards outside from these 10 rares! Incredible value and.... an actually incredible deck to get started with.

Here's the entire decklist:

If you want to see a more "visual" version and if you don't know what many of these cards do, check out Wizards of the Coast's article:
Me and my buddy had played several times while he used this deck. He would usually beat me if he went first. You have to take into consideration, too, that I payed about 110$ for my deck while my buddy payed 25$. Isn't that crazy? With a little more work added onto the deck (Fixing sideboard, getting better removal), this deck is IDEALLY the perfect standard budget deck in my opinion.
From this experience, it looks like I'm going to be buying the "Born of the Gods" event deck too... only if it's as good as this one.
Alright, in terms of telling you what I'm going to talk about next week, I'm afraid I will be unable to do that until at least SOME spoilers are released. Therefore, as of now, next week's article will be a random topic.
Thanks! Counter some spells!

Friday, 15 November 2013

My Magic Community and My Standard Deck!

If you find several words in a paragraph boring, feel free to scroll down and look at more pictures. This article will certainly be the least visually appealing of all my articles.

At my high school, Harrison Trimble, we have our own "Dungeons & Dragons" club. In addition to that, I have several friends who play Magic as well. For every second that's availible, we always try to squeeze in little matches. Whether it be at lunch, during guided study or even in the middle of class. I have a group of people around me that enjoy doing what I enjoy doing! This article is going to be dedicated to them.

Dungeons & Dragons Club

This club was something I wanted to start a long time ago, when I was in grade 9. It's a shame that I was too lazy/unmotivated to even try to start this group. Now that I'm in grade 12, all I can say is that it is better late than never. This group goes on all the way through lunch hour. We play DND and Magic while we scream bad words at eachother. Certainly the high point of my school day.

How I got interested in Magic

One day, I was at Wall-Mart during the time where Return to Ravnica just came out. I couldn't stop looking at these cards. I don't even remember why I was there in the first place, all I know is that something intrigued me. I picked up a M13 intro pack that was blue, it had a foil "Talrand, the Sky Summoner" in it. I couldn't help but to buy it, I just couldn't.

Months passed and me and my buddies would go to "Gamezilla" every Thursday. Each of us would blow about 10 bucks every week on booster packs and never really get anything great out of them. Those were the times where we had bad decks that didin't do anything special. Those were the fun days.

A Conclusion

Seeing how fun those days were, I compare it to now. The feeling of cracking open booster packs, wondering what you were going to get and not knowing all the rares in the set by heart. Now, the game has become a obsession of mine. I know all the rares in each of the recent sets. I know probabilities of what I could get inside of a booster pack. I buy singles rather than packs and I worry about how much a card costs rather than what it does. It's become a game of construction and theme rather than a game of exploration and surprise.

The point of this is, do not forget to have fun! Do more booster drafts! ;)

My Deck

Mono-Green Devotion:
x1 Polukranos, World Eater
x1 Karametra's Acolyte
x2 Nylea, God of the Hunt
x2 Nylea's Disciple
x2 Reverent Hunter
x2 Boon Satyr
x2 Witchstalker
x3 Arbor Colossus
x3 Deadbridge Goliath
x4 Kalonian Tusker
x4 Elvish Mystic
x4 Scavenging Ooze
Instances and Sorceries:
x2 Commune with the Gods
x1 Fade into Antiquity
x3 Pit Fight
Artifacts and Enchantments:
x2 Bow of Nylea
x22 Forest

x3 Mistcutter Hydra
x3 Skylasher
x2 Witchstalker
x2 Warriors' lesson
x2 Fade into Antiquity
x3 Plummet

Here's a direct link to a visual showing of my deck:

If you have any suggestions about my deck, feel free to give them!
See you next week!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Sorry! Update!

Sorry, to the very few people who actually view this blog. The reasons why I haven't been posting as often is because I am going through a very painful throat infection. I've also been missing a lot of school and it seems that I will be missing more this week. Vertigo is really taking away my ability to look at light objects (screens, T.V, etc) so I will have to make this reasonably short.

In terms of spoilers being released for new cards coming out in "Born of the Gods" and "Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska", nothing new has been spoiled. How exciting.

Alright, I'm not feeling good. I will update you once I am no longer feeling ill.

